Being first in Google searches is what everyone with a website or online store pretends to have. You may think that your product is like hundreds or thousands around you and it seems impossible to accomplish.
To prove you that nothing is impossible, I chose CSOutdoors - a company dedicated to billboards renting from north to south of the country - to show the results on google.
I won't tell you the methods, because that research is top secret, but I can tell you that we have to know exactly what the costumers of our internet products or services search. Real concrete data and reliable information, for sure. Based on a very detailed analysis, among maaaaaaaaaaaaany of other strong features, we developed the website.
In CSOutdoors case, I noticed that one of the Google's search term (keywords) is Outdoors + name of the place, for example “Outdoors lisboa”, “Outdoors porto”...
When I realised that, we work out that datas and the results became great – we are very proud of them, indeed.